Sim Information

Sim Information

In Pakistan, obtaining ‘Sim owner details’ has become increasingly important for various reasons, such as security and verification. Thanks to services like Mobile Number Tracker Pakistan and Live Finder Net, individuals can now access real-time information about mobile number details with name and address.

PTA rejects FBR’s demand to block over 0.5 million SIMs of non-filers

PTA rejects FBR’s demand to block over 0.5 million SIMs of non-filers PTA says such an order would not have legal bindings and is contrary to the legal framework SIMs’ blockage to create difficulties for women, and school children: PTA. PTA says “adverse impact likely on foreign investment in telecom sector”. PTA asks FBR to […]

PTA rejects FBR’s demand to block over 0.5 million SIMs of non-filers Read More »

Sim Information

 SIM Information: In today’s Pakistan, understanding SIM information is crucial. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of SIM card information, enabling users to become more informed mobile users in Pakistan as of 2024. سم کی معلومات: آج کے پاکستان میں سم کی معلومات کو سمجھنا بہت ضروری ہے۔ اس مضمون کا مقصد سم

Sim Information Read More »